After some research on The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants 2, I found out that Kiely plays a waitress in the movie. Is this true? We all know Adrienne is in the movie (as a video renter with her boyfriend), and Sabrina's BYOU DVD and Poster is featured, but I also read that Kiely plays a Yaffa waitress. I haven't seen the movie so I can't say this is true or not.
Has anyone seen it? How long was Adrienne's scenes? Is Kiely in the movie as well?
If you have seen it, please leave a comment. Thank you!
Has anyone seen it? How long was Adrienne's scenes? Is Kiely in the movie as well?
If you have seen it, please leave a comment. Thank you!
adrienne's scene was pretty short. it wasn't much longer than what you see in the trailer. the same goes for the view of byou, you only see it for as long as you see it in the trailer. i didn't notice kiely but i also wasn't aware she was going to be in it and i didn't really pay attention so i am not too sure about her.
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