Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Adrienne & Kiely attend Samurai Launch Party.

Adrienne & Kiely both attended the Launch Party for Afro Samurai, a game for XBox 360 & PS3, and they look amazing. It's safe to say that they kind of match, with the high waisted black skirts. It's nice to see them out together, especially Kiely, we don't see her out much.

H I G H Q U A L I T Y x3

Adrienne-xbox adrienne-bailon-xbox-party-01 Adrienne-xbox adrienne-bailon-xbox-party-02Adrienne-xbox adrienne-bailon-xbox-party-03
Adrienne-xbox adrienne-bailon-xbox-party-05 Adrienne-xbox adrienne-bailon-xbox-party-06 Adrienne-xbox adrienne-bailon-xbox-party-07 Adrienne-xbox adrienne-bailon-xbox-party-08
HQx7 (


Anonymous said...

they both look always :)